How can people access a shift calendar even if they're not approved for opportunities?

How can people access a shift calendar even if they're not approved for opportunities?

Before sharing this form, please make sure that you've already published shifts in your schedule that you want to display on the form.

Typically, users will reserve shifts from their profile if they're already approved for certain opportunities.

However, there is a way to allow someone to arrive on a landing page with a shift calendar to ultimately request available shifts. The way to do this is by creating a form in the "Forms" module and enabling the "Display available shifts" section.

Steps to create the form:
  1. On your left-navigation menu, click on Forms
  2. On the top-left, click + New form
  3. Complete the form details, and click Next
    Make the form title something like Public Shift Calendar. Add a simple description about the purpose of this form (i.e., "Request shifts on this form that you would like to attend!"
  4. In the Content section, scroll down to the section titled Display available shifts and enable it > Click Save > Click Next >
    Feel free to include any other content on the form that's relevant.

  5. In the last step (Settings) > Under the Populate the calendar section > click Select opportunities
    In the pop-up, select the opportunities that you want to populate the shift calendar with. When you select an opportunity, it automatically populates the calendar with every upcoming published shift related to the selected opportunity.
  6. Under the Select Visibility section, select whether this form should be Public or Private
    Public visibility is the recommended option if you don't mind showing this calendar to anyone who visits your organization's page. either way, requested shifts will have to be approved by you if the people requesting them are not approved to opportunities and/or Instant Book is disabled for those who are!
What does it look like for someone to trying to request shifts on this form?

1. The form visibility is set to Public and is accessible from the organization's page or they arrive to the form via a direct shareable link that you can generate from your admin portal.

2. The GET INVOLVED button is clicked, and they select a form from the pop-up

3. On the form submission view, there's a Request shifts section

