How do I claim hours for a past shift?

Whether you've scheduled a shift through Vome or not, you can claim hours for a past shift directly from your profile! Once you submit the hour claim, the administrator at your organization must approve it before the hours are officially logged and counted towards your total hour count.
See what best applies to you:
1. I already scheduled the shift on Vome and I want to request hours for it.
2. I did not schedule the shift on Vome but I want to log hours on my profile.
SCENARIO 1: I already scheduled the shift on Vome and I want to request hours for it.
1. Go to your schedule using the left-hand side navigation
2. Find the shift and click on it

Make sure the shift has already passed, otherwise you are not yet able to request hours for it.
3. On the top of the shift, you will see a Request hours icon (in blue)
4. Adjust the arrival and departure time if necessary
5. Click Send Request
SCENARIO 1: I did not schedule the shift on Vome but I want to log hours on my profile.
Here are the steps to claim hours:

Watch a video:
1. Go to your Home page
2. On the top left, click on the Claim Hours button
3. Select the opportunity you wish to claim hours for
4. Put in a single date or multiple dates in the past and input the time slot(s).
5. Generate shifts and then click on Request Hours

At this point, a request has been sent for the admin at the organization to approve.

You should see these shifts in your schedule immediately with a pending status related to the hours requested.
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