How do I invite volunteers to join Vome once I have an Offline record in my database?

How do I invite volunteers to join Vome once I have an Offline record in my database?

1. Select volunteer records from your database
2. Click on Invite volunteers
3. Click Send the invitation to selected offline volunteers or those within my filtered list.

Once the volunteer signs up and accepts your invitation, they will be prompted to accept the invitation from your organization. Once they accept, you will notice an immediate change in the User Type field for that volunteer in your database; the tag will go from Offline to Vome User - meaning there will be no duplicate of the volunteer in your database. The Vome User tag also indicates that the volunteer has offically claimed their profile and is an active user.
The volunteer must sign up to Vome using the same email address that the the invitation was sent to in order for the profile to merge correctly.
You may also invite volunteers to claim their profile from the Create Profiles process (Single profile or Bulk Import). If You invite from a Bulk Import, it iwll send an email anivitation to all the volunteer records in a given spreadsheet upload.