How do I properly use conditional formatting during the import process?

How do I properly use conditional formatting during the import process?

What is conditional formatting?

Conditional formatting is a feature available on most spreadsheet applications (e.g. Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets) that highlights cells based on certain criteria. In this case, we use conditional formatting to make sure that the email address and date of birth fields are being added using the correct format. For example, if you add 'sample@sample' as the email address using the template, it will highlight the cell in red since it is missing '.com' at the end. This will help you identify any erorrs in your file prior to uploading it on Vome!

How do I use the correct paste option?

If you are planning on copying and pasting email addresses or date of birth fields, you need to ensure that you are using the correct paste option, otherwise conditional formatting will not get applied!

Luckily, it is very simple.

Before pasting an email address or date of birth field on the template:

1. Highlight the cells and right click with your mouse

2. Click on the arrow for Paste Special

3. Then click  Merge Conditional Formatting