How does the check-in/out kiosk work?

How does the check-in/out kiosk work?

The check-in/out kiosk is another way for administrators to seamlessly track volunteer hours for on-site shifts!

Here are important tips to remember:
  1. Once you customize the settings of your kiosk, we recommend saving the link by sending it to yourself as an email or adding it as a bookmark. Your kiosk settings will not be saved on Vome, but you can always generate a link to a new kiosk at any time.
  2. When you generate the link to your kiosk, it can be opened on multiple devices at the same time (i.e. iPad, Computer, etc.). This makes it easy to use the kiosk at events that have volunteers check-in from multiple locations!
  3.  Once you paste the link to the kiosk in a new browser, it will require the person to sign in as an admin from your organization. If the person tries to login with a volunteer profile, it will not permit them to open the kiosk.
  4. The kiosk does not currently update in real-time, meaning we recommend refreshing the browser from time-to-time to see new updates made from the schedule. 

Advanced setting: Join a shift

When generating the kiosk, you will see 2 options that you can use within this section. By enabling this option, attendees will be able to see a section on the kiosk to "Join a shift".

This will allow volunteers to search for their name so long as a record exists in your Vome database. We do not show volunteers the list of records in your database by default, so they must search at least 3 letter of their first name, last name or email to view any results.

If they find a result of their name, they will be able to select their name, and then select a shift to add themselves to! This will immediately update the attendees list on the kiosk.

There is another sub-option which you can enable, titled:
If no record is found in your database, allow the person to create a profile in your database and add themselves to a shift simultaneously

If this option is enabled, then if a volunteer searches their name from your database but cannot find any results, they will be able to create a profile directly and add it directly to your database!

If the user enables the option "I don't have an email address", then it will generate a placeholder email for the user (i.e. "").