How does the Screening Checklist work for opportunities?

How does the Screening Checklist work for opportunities?

As an administrator, you can customize the screening checklist for each opportunity!

What is a screening checklist?

A screening checklist is a list of requirements for volunteers to complete when registering for an opportunity or getting assigned to it by an admin. The screening checklist feature mainly comes in handy when you set up on opportunity to have the recruitment process setting called "Direct registration".
For example, you can add a training session for new volunteers or require them to download, fill out and upload a waiver.

When do registrants see the screening checklist for an opportunity?

Volunteers will be able to complete the screening checklist once they register for the opportunity or get assigned to the opportunity by your team.
Please note that volunteers will only be automatically assigned the screening checklist if you are using Opportunity-level recruitment for the opportunity. Otherwise, when volunteers register, they will not be added to the screening checklist and you would need to assign them to the opportunity for them to view it. 

What if I have the same screening checklist items across multiple opportunities?

We got you covered! Once you create checklist requirement (i.e. Form Upload), you will be able to select it for other opportunities as well. Additionally, if a volunteer is assigned to multiple opportunities that have the same requirement added to it, the volunteer's status will be updated across all of their opportunity requirements.

For example, imagine you have a liability form for all your volunteers to fill out.

You would create a new screening checklist requirement under Form Uploads called "Liability Form", and add it to all your opportunities.

Once a new candidate registers for an opportunity, they will be assigned this screening checklist requirement (Liability Form) and their status will be Pending. Once they submit the waiver and you confirm it is valid, you would mark the volunteer's status for this requirement as Complete.

Then, if the same volunteer register for a new opportunity that also requires this liability form in the future, you will see that it was already marked as complete!

This logic applies to all the screening checklist requirements (i.e., form uploads, interviews, orientation & training), as the status fields are centralized across all opportunities that have the same checklist entries associated to them!

Where do I update the registrant's status to their Screening Checklist requirements?

There are a few places to view this information.

1. Once the user registers for an opportunity that has at least 1 screening checklist item, you will need to:

i. Navigate to the Opportunities tab
ii. Filter or search for opportunities with New registrations
iii. Click the opportunity
iv. See where it see X pending registrants and click View 
v. Click on a registrant's pending registration to the opportunity
vi. Look at their form response and/or screening checklist requirements
vii. Take an action from there (i.e., Add profile to database, update screening checklist statuses, assign sequence, approve, decline, etc.)

This option only applies for opportunities that are using "Direct Registration" as the chosen recruitment process setting

2. Once assigned to an opportunity, admins will be able to access an individual's screening checklist from their profile in the database.
  1. Using your left-hand navigation, go to Database
  2. Filter and/or search for the volunteer and click on their profile
  3. On their profile where it says Screening checklist > click see more