Title | Type | Format | Example | Notes |
Email* | Default | Valid email | example@ex.com | Ensure it is a valid email format without any extra spaces and there must be an "@" and "." in the string of text. This is a required field. |
First Name* | Default | String | Jane | This is a required field. |
Last Name* | Default | String | Doe | This is a required field. |
Phone Number | Default | Integers | 1231231234 | Ensure that you only include valid integers without any spaces, dashes or parentheses. |
Profile picture | Default | URL | http://domain/media/files/database/attachments/810653cc-8547-49c0-8bed-e3bc0fc41106.png | This will need to be a valid image. It is mostly relevant if you are exporting this data from a different software. Otherwise, we recommend adding profile pictures individually. |
Date of Birth | Default | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) | 1996-01-15 | Please make sure it is the correct date format. You can change this on Excel if needed. |
Gender | Default | Integer (0=Male, 1=Female, 2=Other, 3=rather not say) | 0 | You must use an integer to represent the gender for each user. If you would like to indicate a custom gender, you can input 2, and then add a new field for Gender text (see below). |
Gender Text | Default | String | Genderfluid | This field is only permitted if you have the user's gender equal to 2 from the row above. |
Occupation | Default | Integer (0=Student, 1=Professional, 2=Retiree, 3=Other) | 0 | You must use an integer to represent the occupation for each user. For student and professionals, if you would like to indicate an organization associated with them, you can add that as a subsequent field (see below). |
Organization | Default | String | Harvard University | This field is only permitted if you have the user's Occupation equal to 1 or 2 from the row above. |
Address | Default | String | 298 Bd Décarie Montréal, QC H4N 2M2, Canada | You can include any string of text here. |
Emergency Contact (Name) | Default | String | Ryan | |
Emergency Contact (Phone #) | Default | Integers | 15009008000 | |
Emergency Contact (Relationship) | Default | String | Father | |
General | Custom field | String | Any string of text | You can include any string of text here. |
Number | Custom field | Integers | 99 | You can include any number here. |
Single selection | Custom field | String | Blue | You must ensure that the value entered is a valid option for this field. |
Multiple selection | Custom field | String | Blue,Green | You must ensure that the values entered are valid options for this field. |
Date | Custom field | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) | 1998-08-12 | |
Email | Custom field | Valid email | sample@email.com | |
Attachment | Custom field | URL | http://domain/media/files/volunteer-database/attachments/810653cc-8547-49c0-8bed-e3bc0fc41106.png | This will need to be a valid attachment. It is mostly relevant if you are exporting this data from a different software. Otherwise, we recommend adding attachments individually. |
URL | Custom field | URL | domain.com | You must include a valid URL. |
Unique ID | Custom field | String | 928938983-ab0938 | Any string of text, integers or special characters will work. However the value must be unique for each user in your database. |
Boolean | Custom field | Boolean (True, False) | True | This is exclusively for True or False values. Can also be used for Yes or No type of fields. |