I submitted a form and included shifts in my submission. Why aren't I booked?

An opportunity and a shift are distinct concepts in Vome. An opportunity is usually a position or task, whereas the shift is the date and time slot instance of that position/task. Therefore when you request a shift in a form submission for an opportunity that you're not yet approved for, the admin will need to approve you for the opportunity first so that your requested shifts can get confirmed on Vome!
Until the coordinator from the organization approves your registration, you will not see shifts appear in your Vome schedule or the upcoming shifts section on your homepage.

If this is your first time submitting an application/inquiry form on Vome and you aren't yet approved for any opportunities, your homepage should look similar to the image below after submitting the form.
Why do I need to be approved for an opportunity?
This helps ensure that people are only able to view and reserve spots for shifts, solely based on the opportunities they're approved for!

For example, imagine the organization has an opportunity titled Driver at their organization. Before somebody reserves a shift for the Driver opportunity, it might be important for the volunteer to show a valid driver's license and confirm that they have a vehicle!
When will I see shifts appear in my Vome Schedule?
Once the organization approves your registration for the opportunity, you will be notified about your reserved shifts and be able to view these reservations on your calendar. Once approved for the opportunity, you can reserve spots for any upcoming shifts relating to that opportunity by going to your Homepage > Reserve shifts!
If you do not see shifts appear in your schedule within a few days after submitting the form, please contact the organization to find out about the status of your registration.
You can also contact Vome through our support page to check in with the coordinator!