What are the custom Schedule & Hour Claims settings when creating an opportunity?
When creating or editing an opportunity, there are many settings to configure in order to enable certain processes that aren't necessarily working as you'd like by default.
Here are some definitions of those settings:
- Limit user access to view and/or reserve shifts:
- Determine whether users can view and/or reserve available shifts for this opportunity. If they cannot reserve shifts, it is only up to the admin to assign users to shifts!
- Flexible Schedule:
- Allow users to create their own schedule within the opportunity and not be limited to pre-defined shifts. Shifts that are generated by the user will only be shown to the admin, and not other users!
- Instant Book:
- Allow users who are already approved for the opportunity to reserve shifts and be immediately confirmed without additional admin approval for each requested shift.
- This settings can go hand-in-hand with the opportunity's recruitment workflow setting called "Auto-approval for new applicants" if you wish to completely streamline the user regsitrtaion process without any approvals along the way.
- For example, you can have a user register for an opportunity by filling out a form that has the "Display available shifts" section on it. If they request shifts in their form submission, they would be immediately reserved for those shifts since they were simultaneously approved for the opportunity and instantly booked for the shift.
- Limit number of reservations per user:
- Once a user is approved for this opportunity, they can view all of its upcoming shifts that have available spots remaining. This feature allows you to restrict access so that only admins can assign users to shifts.
- Custom cancellation policy:
- By default, users can cancel their reservations at any time up until 12 hours before the shift start time. You can create a custom cancellation policy to decide if (and when) users can cancel their spot for a shift.
- Custom check-in policy:
- By default, the check-in portal opens 1 hour before the shift start time. You can create a custom check-in policy to decide if (and when) users can check-in to their shifts.
- Custom check-out policy:
- By default, the check-out portal closes 1 hour after the shift end time. You can create a custom check-out policy to decide if (and when) users can check-out of their shifts.
- Custom hour claims policy:
- By default, users can claim hours for past shifts they've been reserved for, and additionally, they can create a past shift on their schedule and claims hours for it. You can choose when (and if) users can claim hours for past shifts.
- Auto-approve hour claims:
- By default, when a user claims hours for a past shift, the claim must be approved by an admin before the hours are logged on their profile. This feature allows you choose which types of hours claims are automatically approved for users without any administrative approval.
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