What is self-tracking in the Sequences module?

What is self-tracking in the Sequences module?

When on, the Self-Tracking setting will apply to all steps in the sequence by default. Users can update their status for each step and move themselves to the next step. You can also choose to customize this setting for each step.
If you disable self-tracking, you will not be able to customize whether self-tracking will be applicable to certain steps later on when building out the sequence. Therefore, if you foresee one step having the self-tracking feature enabled, you should turn it on in the default setting on the Details page when building your sequence.
The benefit of the Self-Tracking feature is to eliminate a ton (if not all) of the back-and-forth communication through the onboarding process.

From the user POV, they will be able to interact with their sequence in a more interactive through certain actions:
  1. When on a step, they can mark it as complete which will notify the admin and automatically mark the completion date (dependent on if you allow this for each step)
  2. If they can mark themselves as complete, then they can also move themselves to the next step (dependent on if you allow this for each step)