What is the difference between "Profile Tags" and "Custom Fields" in the database?

What is the difference between "Profile Tags" and "Custom Fields" in the database?

The Pro plan only offers Profile Tags as a way to customize your database.
  1. You cannot import profile tags but can only assign them during the import process or once profiles are in your database.
  2. A profile tag can be anything you need it to be. It is simply a string of text to track a custom data point.
Profile tags are visible to admins only!
Common examples of the use case for profile tags:
  1. Active, Inactive, Archived
  2. Group labels
  3. Tags for reporting purposes
  4. Communications lists
  5. T-shirt sizes
  6. Demographic breakdowns (Adults, Minors, etc.)

Profile tags have two main benefits:
  1. Grouping people by a label for communication and reporting purposes.
  2. Using the advanced reservation restriction option when publishing shifts. Learn more

The Enterprise plan offers Profile Tags and Custom Fields as a way to customize your database.
  1. You can create unlimited custom fields and choose the field type/format for each field to keep your database organized and dynamic (i.e. text, date, dropdown, number, etc.).
  2. You can import custom field values in the Mass import process.
Custom fields are visible to admins only!
Common examples of the use case for custom fields and their respective field types:
  1. Active Status (Single selection)
  2. Date Started (Date)
  3. Date Ended (Date)
  4. Training Completion (True, False)
  5. T-shirt size (Single selection)
  6. Race/Ethnicity (General or Single selection)
  7. Document storage (Attachment)
  8. Meal Preference (Single selection or Multi selection)
Custom fields have two main benefits:
  1. Importing custom data into your database to ensure you are tracking all the data you need for communication and reports!
  2. Having better and more organized reports when exporting data.