Why should I use the auto-assign profile tags setting in my sequence steps?

Why should I use the auto-assign profile tags setting in my sequence steps?

When building a sequence step, you can choose to auto-assign a profile tag (which you can create in the database) so that when a volunteer moves from step to another, you will be able to see what they've done in their sequence from the database.

Here's an example below:
  1. Step 1 in this sequence is for a volunteer to upload a background check.
  2. They can mark themselves as complete and move to the next step or the admin can do that on their behalf
  3. Once they move from Step 1 to Step 2, they will automatically be assigned this new profile tag titled "Background Check Completed" (You must create the label for this tag in the database first).
  4. That way, when you go to the database to get reports, you will know they've done the background check. Otherwise, you would only see this from within the Sequences module.

In the database, you can see how convenient it is to have the profile tag be auto-assigned for reporting purposes: