How do I integrate my database with Google Sheets?
Vome offers a way to automatically sync your database with Google sheets. This allows you to keep a duplicate of your database at all times, and run different analyses as required. Here's how it works: 1. Go to your Database page 2. Click Actions on ...
How do I merge or remove duplicate database profiles?
To remove or merge profiles from your database, you can follow these steps: 1. Navigate to your Database page 2. Click Actions on the top-right of your screen 3. Click Manage duplicate profiles From here, you will see a list of all duplicates ...
What are profile tags? How do I to create profile tags? And why should I use them?
Starting on the Pro plan and above, you can create and assign Profile Tags as a way to customize your database. You cannot import profile tags but can only assign them during the import process or once profiles are in your database. A profile tag can ...
What is the difference between "Active profiles" and "Archived profiles" in the database?
In the database, you can toggle between Active profiles or Archived profiles. Active profile definition: By default, when a profile is added to your database, Offline or Vome User, they will be added to the Active profiles list. At any time, an ...
How do I delete or archive profiles from the database?
Your database can contain a mix of Offline and Vome User profiles. Currently, you can only delete Offline profiles from the database. However, you can archive Vome Users. Steps to delete an Offline profile: Go to the Database Select one or more ...
How do I delete a Vome User from the database?
Currently, there is no way for admin user to delete a Vome User profile from the database, but you can you use the archive feature instead! You can only fully delete offline profiles. If you wish to request to delete a Vome User profile, please ...
How do I import profile pictures for users in my database?
Using Vome's import process, you will see that you can import profile images for users in bulk. It is important to note that this feature was designed to help organizations mass import profile images from another software. As such, the way you import ...
Should I segment profile lists before mass importing them into my database?
It is important to understand that for each import, you can perform Bulk Actions on profiles listed in the spreadsheet. If you want to assign user profiles various profile tags, opportunities, sequences or shifts during the import process, you must ...
How should I format my fields to successfully upload them to my database?
You can use the format below for each type of field to ensure a successful import. There is a template that you can download attached to this article. Please note that you can only create and import custom fields using the Enterprise plan. Title Type ...
How do I use a Custom ID field to find and match profiles during the import process?
*Please note this feature is only available for customers using the Enterprise Plan By default, we find and match profiles using the user's email address. In other words, it is the primary field on Vome. Here is an example to illustrate this. For ...
How do I export filtered records from my database and reports?
To export filtered records from your database, reports and other grids on Vome - you must select the rows using the checkboxes on the left of the records. You can choose to select one record at a time, or use the "select all" checkbox at the top. ...
What happens when I invite volunteers to claim their profile on Vome?
Inviting your volunteers to claim their profiles on Vome can provide many operational benefits for organizations. Let's go through how the process works: 1. Once you invite a volunteer from your database, you will see it appear as a Pending ...
How do I a mass import a contact list into my database via a spreadsheet?
If you have not yet prepared your spreadsheet, read this article Steps to import your spreadsheet into your database: 1. Login to Vome and using the left-hand side navigation, click Database 2. On the top-right of the page, click Create profiles 3. ...
How do I properly use conditional formatting during the import process?
What is conditional formatting? Conditional formatting is a feature available on most spreadsheet applications (e.g. Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets) that highlights cells based on certain criteria. In this case, we use conditional formatting to make ...
How do I prepare my spreadsheet to import into my database?
First off, it is important to understand that for each import, you can perform Bulk Actions on volunteers listed in the spreadsheet. If you want to assign your volunteer list to different opportunities, tags or shifts during the import process, you ...
How should I onboard my existing volunteers?
You have a few methods to successfully onboard your exist volunteer base. This is the flow we recommend for most organizations: 1. Upload your volunteer list into your Database (For detailed steps, read How do I prepare my spreadsheet to import into ...
How to easily find an individual's or group's volunteer date(s)?
You can use the Attendees & hours or Shift list pre-generated report for this. The Attendees & hours report will give you more granular data on each attendee within a given shift, whereas the Shift list servers as a higher level “Schedule” export ...
Can I edit profile information for Vome Users or Offline Profiles in the database?
You can only edit profile information for Offline Profiles that you manually created in the database. If the volunteer record is a Vome User, it means that the volunteer has entered the profile data themselves and saved it to their Vome profile. ...
How can I create a custom group chat for Vome Users from the database?
1. Go to the Database 2. Select one or more volunteer records 3. Click on the black down arrow next to the right of "# records selected" 4. Click on Create chat You can only create a group chat with Vome Users. If an Offline Profile is selected when ...
How can I send a mass email from the database?
1. Go to the Database 2. Select one or more volunteer records 3. Click on the black down arrow next to the right of "# records selected" 4. Click on Send email You can send emails to both Vome Users & Offline Profiles in the database.
How can I mass assign tags from the database?
1. Go to the Database 2. Select one or more volunteer records 3. Click on the black down arrow next to the right of "# records selected" 4. Click on Assign tags Tags are useful for classifying your volunteer list however you would like to! A ...
How can I mass assign shifts from the database?
1. Go to the Database 2. Select one or more volunteer records 3. Click on the black down arrow next to the right of "# records selected" 4. Click on Assign shifts By assigning a volunteer to a shift that is associated with an opportunity they are not ...
How can I mass assign opportunities from the database?
1. Go to the Database 2. Select one or more volunteer records 3. Click on the black down arrow next to the right of "# records selected" 4. Click on Assign opportunities
What are the Advanced Filters in the database?
We provide two (2) advanced filters on your database. 1. We allow you to filter by Activity. This allows you to view the # of shifts and hours completed by volunteers during a given date range. For example, if you want to see how many shifts people ...
How do I assign a volunteer to an opportunity from their profile?
Go to your Database and follow the steps below: 1. Click on the volunteer's name (highlighted in orange). The profile should pop-up to the right. 2. Open the Opportunities drop-down by clicking on See more 3. Click on + Assign opportunities 4. Select ...
How do I export profile information from the database?
1. From the left-hand navigation, click on Database. 2. Use the Advanced filters and/or each column filter to find a specific data set 3. Select all or specific profiles you wish to export 4. Click on the Export button 5. Click Export selected rows
How do I create Offline Volunteer profiles in the database?
1. Go to your Database from the left-hand navigation 2. Click on Create Profiles on the top right of Database view 3. You will have the choice to Add a Volunteer or Mass Import (via excel) You must add at least a first name, last name and email ...
How do I invite volunteers to join Vome once I have an Offline record in my database?
1. Select volunteer records from your database 2. Click on Invite volunteers 3. Click Send the invitation to selected offline volunteers or those within my filtered list. Once the volunteer signs up and accepts your invitation, they will be prompted ...