When an organization shares a link to their opportunity with you, they would like you to submit your application for their review. Here are the steps to submit an application: 1. Click on the link that was shared by the organization 2. Click on the ...
When an organization shares a link to their Vome page with you, they would like you to submit your application for their review. Here are the steps to submit an application: 1. Click on the link that was shared by the organization 2. Scroll down the ...
When an organization shares a link to their Vome page with you, they would like you to explore featured opportunities and register. Here are the steps to register for an opportunity: 1. Click on the link that was shared by the organization 2. Browse ...
By default, we automatically share your basic profile information with an organization once you submit one of their forms. These fields include: - First name *Required by users to sign up to Vome - Last name *Required by users to sign up to Vome - ...
If you've been volunteering at an organization that started using Vome to manage their operation, we're here to help you onboard! The first step is to become approved for an opportunity. Being approved for an opportunity allows you to view and ...
Steps to sign up as a volunteer If you are on your computer, you can sign up using this link: https://www.vomevolunteer.com/register-volunteer Otherwise, you can also download the Vome Volunteer mobile app and sign up from there as well. If you re ...
The Vome Volunteer mobile app is available for both iOS & Android users. If you are using iPhone: https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/vome-volunteer/id1490871417 If you are using Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vome.vomevolunteer
When an organization shares a link to an opportunity with you, they would like you to register for the opportunity by submitting a form. Here are the steps to register for the opportunity: 1. Click on the link that was shared by the organization 2. ...
Welcome to Vome! Let's get you started. Here are the steps to accept the invitation: 1. You should have received an email from Vome. 2. In order to accept the invitation, you must sign up to create a volunteer profile. You must sign up to Vome using ...
Helping you apply to an organization and/or apply for a specific opportunity Being approved for an opportunity allows you to reserve shifts and track hours that are associated with your involvement. There's also an opportunity chatroom for each ...
By default, we automatically share your basic profile information with an organization once you submit one of their forms. These fields include: - First name *Required by users to sign up to Vome - Last name *Required by users to sign up to Vome - ...
If you're approved for at least 1 opportunity, you're ready to start reserving shifts! Here are the steps to reserve a spot for a shift: 1. From the left-hand navigation menu, click Home 2. Within the section titled "What are you looking to do ...
PLEASE READ THIS ARTICLE BEFORE SETTING UP YOUR PORTAL. Before you begin the setup process, you should become familiar with the platform's lingo and hierarchical breakdown to map out how to best structure your portal when you go through the process ...
To export your Vome badge, you must do so from the Vome Volunteer mobile app. If you have not yet downloaded the mobile app, click here. Here are the steps to export your Vome badge: 1. Go to your Challenges page from the mobile app 2. You will see a ...