How do I a mass import a contact list into my database via a spreadsheet?
Steps to import your spreadsheet into your database:
1. Login to Vome and using the left-hand side navigation, click
Database2. On the top-right of the page, click Create profiles
3. Click Bulk Import
4. Click the Upload spreadsheet box underneath the instructions and add your file
5. Once you add the file, click Validate

Once you validate the file, you will see the number of successfully added records and the number of failed records. Failed records can be from errors in your file or duplicate volunteer entries. If you are having trouble with the upload, you can send it to our team to check for you!
6. Choose whether you want to assign tags, opportunities or shifts to these volunteer profiles.
- Tags allow you to group volunteers in your database for internal purposes. Volunteers cannot see tags added to their profile. It can help you filter your database later on.
- Opportunities will allow volunteers to immediately begin reserving spots to shifts once they claim their profile. Otherwise, they will need to be instructed to register for opportunities from your profile or through a shareable link. (Highly recommended to pre-assign volunteers to opportunities)
- Shifts will show volunteers that they are already scheduled for shifts once they claim their profile.
7. Choose to invite volunteers to Vome (Highly recommended)
- By leaving the checkbox enabled, volunteers will be emailed to accept the invitation from your organization.
- You can include a custom message which will be added to the email notification.
- You can indicate whether you want the email to be sent in English or French.
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