How should I onboard my existing volunteers?

How should I onboard my existing volunteers?

You have a few methods to successfully onboard your exist volunteer base. This is the flow we recommend for most organizations:

1. Upload your volunteer list into your Database (For detailed steps, read How do I prepare my spreadsheet to import into my database?)

2. Map fields from your spreadsheet (File Column Headers > Vome Fields).
On the Pro plan, you can only import the fields that are in the template (see Download template button on the initial import view) which Vome gives you by default. In the import process, you can assign profile tags, opportunities, sequences or shifts.

On the Enterprise plan, you can import and map unlimited custom database fields.
3. Check for errors
If there are no errors, continue to the next step. If there are are errors, fix your spreadsheet and re-upload

4. Customize actions and pre-assigned characteristics for your imported list.
If you decide to pre-assign opportunities, once a person is invited to claim their profile to become a Vome User, they will be able to immediately begin reserving spots to shifts for those opportunities. If you do not pre-assign them to opportunities, they will need to apply or register for opportunities and wait for you to approve them before they can begin reserving spots to shifts.

In most cases, organizations decide to pre-approve volunteers to opportunities for which they are already actively volunteering. In other cases, organizations may require volunteers to submit the form for data collection purposes before they can approve them.

5. Choose to invite them to claim their profile on Vome!

Why should I upload my volunteer list to start?

We recommend uploading a list of your volunteers into the database, as this will create Offline profiles for each volunteer.

Then, you will be able to invite your volunteers to join Vome. The volunteers that decide to join Vome will become Vome Users, and their profiles will be merged with their offline profiles. All the data previously tracked for the offline user will transfer to the Vome User profile.

For example, imagine you have 100 volunteers at your organization. Ideally, each volunteer would sign-up to Vome. However, it’s possible that only 80 (80%) of your volunteers will opt to join.

By importing your entire volunteer list of 100 volunteers to your database, you will start off with 100 offline profiles. Then, once the 80 volunteers sign-up as Vome Users, you will have 80 online profiles and 20 offline profiles. This ensures that your database is always up-to-date and does not contain any duplicates.

Additionally, you will be able to add offline volunteers to shifts, and track their hours and activity. This makes it easy to manage all your volunteers on Vome!