What's the difference between Sequences and Screening Checklists on Vome?

What's the difference between Sequences and Screening Checklists on Vome?

Both of these features allow organizations to manage the screening and onboarding process for volunteers. You can choose the process that works best for you!

Sequences: step by step process that is used independently of which opportunities they are assigned for.
Screening checklists: requirements for volunteers when they register or get assigned for an opportunity.

Key differences
  1. Screening checklists are opportunity-based, while sequences are independent across opportunities
    1. Therefore screening checklists will only be visible to volunteers if they have registered or been assigned to the opportunity.
  2. Sequences have a few extra customizations
    1. Sequences allow you to set it to be private (allowing you to restrict volunteers to view the sequence) enable Self-Tracking (allowing volunteers to edit their status and mark themselves as complete)
Here are some commons use-cases for organizations

1. You are using
opportunity-level registration for opportunities and would like to auto-assign volunteers tasks once they register. This would be a great use-case for creating a screening checklist for that opportunity. Once the volunteer submits their registration, they will immediately see the screening checklist assigned to it!

2. You have a general onboarding process at your organization and want to have volunteers complete the process
before getting assigned for an opportunity. This would be a great use-case for sequences!

Ready to get started? Here are some helpful articles:

How do I use Sequences on Vome?
How does the Screening Checklist work for my opportunities?

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