How should I organize recruitment on Vome?

How should I organize recruitment on Vome?

Looking to create a public shift calendar for quick and easy shift sign ups? Read this FAQ article: How can people access a shift calendar even if they're not approved for opportunities?

We offer many different types of ways for you to set up your recruitment workflow. When building an opportunity, you should understand the nature of the recruitment workflows that you can set up. Here's a diagram to give you a clearer picture with explanations below:

1. General application funnel:

Each opportunity that has this setting is redirecting interested candidates to a single form or an option to choose between a list of forms in your Forms module. This process is similar to what you would have on your website - when a volunteer submits the form, you can decide what to do next (i.e. assign them to a sequence, opportunities and/or shifts). You can then link this general form to your organization's information page by making it public.
So for example, let's say you build a form titled Volunteer Inquiry Form.

There would be three (3) ways for people to arrive to this form and submit a response:

1. You can generate a shareable URL for people to arrive directly on the form. You may want to embed this URL in a button on your website to redirect new applicants to your Vome application form.

2. You can set the form's visibility to Public. By doing so, any visitor on your organization information page would be able to access the form via the GET INVOLVED, which would show the visitor a list of public forms to choose from. Since you can make an form public, you can choose to build different inquiries for different programs, individuals vs. groups, different languages, etc.!

3. When you create your various opportunities, you will be able to configure the option General application funnel and then choose the form title Volunteer Inquiry Form (from example above). If someone is browsing through your available opportunities and clicks Apply or Register, it would redirect them to the general application form (i.e., they will not be applying for the opportunity directly and you can assign them to it from the Forms module where you will receive their submission, or later on from the database.
If this sounds like what you are trying to accomplish, read How do I use Forms on Vome?

2. Direct opportunity funnel:

Alternatively, you may want prospective candidates to apply for a specific opportunity. Once a user submits their inquiry form for an opportunity, their status for the opportunity will become Pending for the opportunity (unless "Auto-approve new applicants" is enabled. Learn more).

If you add screening checklist items for an opportunity, the user will be immediately assigned to the screening checklist once they submit their inquiry form. Once a user is approved for the opportunity, they will be notified that they can begin reserving spots to shifts and/or submit hour claims for it.

If you prefer to have users apply or register for opportunities directly by filling out the same exact inquiry form content, we recommend creating Form Templates to avoid needing to create the same form time and time again, for each opportunity.
If this sounds like what you are trying to accomplish, read How do I use Templates on Vome?

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